
Le calme sans paix

Image source: Google Il y a quelques jours, un de mes amis me parlait d’un film qu’il venait de regarder et qui l’avait particulièrement marqué. Il se trouve en effet qu’a une partie du film, il a été introduit à un concept qui donne à réfléchir, lequel concept je tiens à mon tour à faire partager. Certains d’entre nous avons peut-être déjà lu ou entendu parler de la différence qui existe entre le bonheur et le plaisir.   Eh bien aujourd’hui, nous parlerons de celle qui existe entre les mots « calme » et « paix » et de comment le véritable sens des mots est aussi ce qui donne un sens à nos vies, et non pas (forcement) les interprétations formées dans nos esprits.   Quand j’ai entendu dire que le mot « calme » n’était pas synonyme de paix, j’ai instantanément ressenti comme un tourbillon dans mon esprit, une sorte de tsunami ; j’ai l’habitude d’appeler ça un « Aha ! moment », terme emprunté d’Oprah Winfrey. ...


Image source: Google. I do not own the rights to this image. Jesus CHRIST of Nazareth, the Son of God, has conquered death.  He has risen. He IS risen!  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! What are we conquering in our lives? What needs resurrection, in our lives? Is anger keeping you hostage? Is grief keeping you hostage? Is jealousy keeping you hostage? Is guilt keeping you hostage? Is your inability to forgive keeping you hostage? Is your childhood trauma keeping you hostage? Are decisions you made to try to fit in keeping you hostage? Is your lifestyle keeping you further away from your life purpose? Is bitterness blocking your intuition? Tune in to your heart. Where is your Higher Self, the one in perpetual communion with our Creator, trying to take you to? Is honesty knocking on your door? Is repentance knocking on your door? Is vulnerability knocking on your door? Is acceptance knocking on your door? Is faith knocki...

Find your home, move in and stay there.

Image source: Google. I do not own the rights to this image. These special times have made me redefine or rather extensively explore the concept of HOME. As the majority of the world population is confined inside, some are gladly spending more quality time with their loved ones whereas others are living in fear, anxiety and depression resulting from all sorts of abuse they are subjected to, in their homes. Before I proceed, I encourage us all to stay informed about how to actively help those in abusive situations. There are toll free numbers to call and get proper information, guidance and needed help, while in such situations. Let us know them, let us share them around and let’s never be silent about abuse whenever we see it, WHEREVER it is happening. My prayers go to those who would rather be elsewhere than a house supposed to feel like home. Please be advised  that, this particular post, is not for people who are not privileged enough to TRULY feel safe, in their...

The Imaginarium Of Jimmy Masonga: Legacy series

This month, I am introducing you to young artists who are currently dedicating their art to their own healing journeys. Please leave me a message below this post if you are one of those and would like to be featured here.  Jimmy Masonga is a young man of 25 years old, who expresses himself through his drawings. He is currently working on a project which is an ode to his late grandfather. Through a series called “The imaginarium Of Jimmy Masonga” he is recognizing his late grandfather’s legacy of resilience and mostly love, to his family. The kind of love that heals generational trauma. Jimmy was immensely touched and inspired by his grandfather’s devotion to heal is lineage, especially during his last days. He did this through love and love expressed through art, to be more precise. Here is the first of a series of 5 drawings. Jimmy reached out to me to help put into poems his admiration and appreciation towards his biggest inspiration. Feel free to comment and share w...


Image source: Google  Arbres Macabre Dans mes bras Ça n’a pas de sens, Comme ton 6eme sens. Arc Palabre Cadabra  Tout est illusion: Une punition face à ta mission. Cadr’alibaba. Et quand, Tu reviendras du pèlerinage, baba, Inscris dans une pierre  Qu’on aura rien laissé derrière. Ni rires, ni soupirs. Ni farce, ni masques. Abracadabra. Et quand, Je repartirais de ce pèlerinage ici bas, Je me souviendrai, De la magie et de l’alchimie; Du déchirement et de l’entendement; Des faits accomplis et Du fait d’être affranchie. Et du fait d’être affranchie. Image source: Google 


Image source: Google

Gentleness: the shortcut to wholeness

Image source: Google  This feeling really feels weird to me. It is weird that I am letting myself go through it, fully. Thankfully and almost with no surprise, who I am as I come out of it does justice to the worthiness of such practice. What a reward! Talking about this kind of transformation (or any other kind for that matter), with no background story is as impossible as it would be an act of cowardice. So here is a little background about how I had been validating my ego’s tricks, at my expense, thinking I was empowering myself. Youth really made me believe that impulsiveness was a quality. I believe spontaneity is and I believe I confused the two, for the longest time.   Anyway so, youth made me believe what I needed to believe in order to respond to my ego’s order. Peace being our natural, innate way of living as well as our birthright, the ego will always be threatened by it. You know, just like how some people in your entourage get threatened ...