Thriving, with love.

There is a reason why you are where you are in your life at the present moment. That reason is as valid as your past and everything you are yet to experience. No situation in your life is ever accidental; I strongly believe so. The beast you are being shaped into is worth every smile and every tear you shed along the way. The path you are on is the right one for your soul growth, no matter how it may look like.  Practicing this belief not only helps focusing on the (b)right side of any situation, but it also gives you purpose and gives your battles a meaning, rightfully so.

“La vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille” (literal translation: Life is not a long quiet river. Metaphorical meaning: life is not easy.). Whoever said this should have added: “et on ne t'apprendra pas toujours à nager.” (You will not always be taught how to swim.)

That’s right. No one ever said that “the path” was gonna be an easy one. Similarly, no one ever said that others are obliged to stick with you through it all. The truth is, everyone is on their own paths, dealing with their own challenges. Losing friends, lovers or even family because of the decisions we make to honor our path is unfortunate, heartbreaking at times but almost inevitable. In fact, feeling nothing at all when this kind of emotional separation happens would be worrying. Feeling guilty about making decisions that did not suit some people we genuinely value(d)  even though those decisions were crucial for our personal growth, is ridiculous and self-insulting. Feeling bad about people who claimed to love us and yet chose not to show up for us during our major life transitions is both legitimate and pointless. It is legitimate because our needs to belong, to be loved and feel supported as Human Beings are all valid. However, it is pointless because the path has always and will always be about you and you alone, regardless of who chooses to sojourn with you. The reality is that no one is under the obligation to be a good friend to you, eternally. Many will leave you in the cold dark night, perhaps because their intention was to only dance with you in the sun. Some however will stick around and help you draw stars in the cold dark night. Experience has taught me that, one of the best ways of releasing bad energy, is focusing on those who keep feeding us with their unconditional love and genuine care.

Love has a way of dis-empowering everything bitter and ugly. Love is life’s main compass. It is intentional. Love is “You got this, I believe in you!” Love is “what do you need?” love is “how did you sleep last night?”. Think about “the path” as your glasses and love as what you use to keep them clean. Love will clear your vision when hurt and confusion are misleading your feet.
So, when you stumble on your way to greatness and see people leaving your side, take a moment to clean your glasses and take a good look at who stayed. Those who love you enough to never consider leaving you. Those who choose to wait for the sun to rise again, with you.

Image source: Google


  1. This is so amazing . I wanted to hear words like this and finally I got to hear them from a talented and amazing person...You. Thank you so much. Keep shining,keep writing and healing lots of invisible wounds.

    1. Thank you so much for reading!! I'm glad it resonated with you!! Much love!

  2. This is beautiful! Ufite abafana hano rurabo😍golden flower

  3. "So, when you stumble on your way to greatness and see people leaving your side, take a moment to clean your glasses and take a good look at who stayed. Those who love you enough to never consider leaving you. Those who choose to wait for the sun to rise again, with you."
    So beautiful. Thank you Ma♥️


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